Terms and conditions


Májová 905/9 363 01 Ostrov ID: 08303142 I am not a VAT payer

General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of ReActive Therapy. ID: 08303142, I am not a VAT payer, with its registered office at Májová 905/9, 363 01 Ostrov and its establishment in Kfely. Terms and conditions available for download here (in Czech).

1. Basic provisions

1.1. These general terms and conditions govern the legal obligations between the service provider, ReActive Therapy (hereinafter the operator, therapist) and the buyer of the services provided (hereinafter referred to as the buyer or client).

1.2. The operator provides services on the basis of a valid trade license and a responsible person with certifying professional competence for the activities performed.

1.3 By purchasing a gift voucher or ordering a specific date of therapy or consultation by telephone or electronic, the buyer expresses his consent to the general business conditions of the operator.

If the customer does not agree with these conditions, he has the option not to use the service.

2. Order of services

2.1. Date of visit

The date of the visit must be agreed upon and booked in advance by phone, order form or e-mail. The agreed date is considered a binding order. The operator reserves the appropriate time for the agreed date of the customer’s visit.

2.2. Reorder

If for serious reasons, it is not possible to arrive within the agreed time, this fact must be made with min. Announce by phone 24 hours in advance.

2.2.1. Order cancellation

If for serious reasons, the client is unable to arrive on the agreed date, he is obliged to inform about this fact as soon as he learns about the obstacle.

If the client does not show up on the agreed date twice in a row or does not pay the due cancellation fee, he will no longer be ordered.

If the client has a gift certificate for a specific service and does not show up without an apology, the gift voucher will be considered exhausted. If the gift voucher is issued for a nominal amount, the amount in the value of the ordered service is immediately deducted from the value of the certificate.

In the event that the client does not arrive on the agreed date without an apology, or cancels the therapy just before arrival, he is obliged to pay a cancellation fee according to the Price List. Until full payment of the cancellation fee, the client will no longer be ordered, after payment of the fee, the order will be accepted again as standard.

2.3 Early Arrival

Customers cannot be guaranteed to be accepted before a properly agreed date.

2.4. Late arrival, reduction of ordered time range by the client

If the client arrives late, it will be shortened by this time without the right to a proportional reduction in price. Likewise, if the customer needs on-site therapy to be shortened for time reasons, this shortened time period will not be replaced and the customer will pay the full price of the order. In the case of a longer (10 or more minutes) delay without a telephone apology, the client’s ordered date may be cancelled and in this case, a cancellation fee including the therapy will be applied.

2.5. Rejection of therapy

Therapy may be refused in the following cases:

a) the client appears for therapy with obvious symptoms of infectious diseases

b) the client comes to the therapy under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of addictive substances

c) the client comes to therapy with medical problems of a medical nature

d) the client comes to the therapy in an unsatisfactory hygienic condition

e) the client expresses himself indecently during the ordering of the term of therapy

2.6. Premature termination of therapy

Therapy may be terminated prematurely if:

a) during therapy, the client develops obvious symptoms of infectious diseases, or

b) during therapy, the client develops obvious signs of drink or substance abuse; or

c) during therapy, the client develops obvious symptoms of health problems; or

d) during therapy, the client will behave in an indecent manner despite repeated calls

 2.7. Accompaniment and accessibility

The client can accompany a maximum of one person as a visitor. It is not recommended to take a child under 8 years of age with you for safety reasons. The surgery is not adapted for prams and bicycles. It is not possible to take animals with you to the surgery for hygienic reasons.

2.8. Personal belongings and valuables

Throughout the therapy, the client has his / her belongings stored in a place designated for that purpose directly in the therapist’s office. Any theft by a third party is excluded, as there is always only a client and a therapist in the premises (one room). Everyone takes valuables into the room at their own risk and is also responsible for them.

2.9. Informed Customer Consent

Before the first therapy, the client is instructed about health risks, indications and contraindications. If he decides to undergo therapy, he makes his informed consent clear and free. If they intentionally conceal important health information, especially contraindications, they are responsible for all risks caused by therapy.

2.10. Price list

The price list of services can be viewed on the website here.

3. Complaints about services

When complaining about the services provided, the client must immediately inform the physiotherapist by writing to the e-mail linda@reactivetherapy.cz.

4. Gift vouchers

4.1. Order a voucher

The voucher can be ordered in person, via the website, by phone or e-mail. After the order, payment instructions for payment of the selected voucher will be sent to the client’s e-mail address. Payment of the voucher takes place by bank transfer or in cash directly to the coordination.

4.2. Usage of a gift certificate

The gift voucher can be used to pay for the type of service for which it was purchased – this information is always stated on the voucher. Payment by gift voucher must be reported before the start of therapy to verify validity.

4.3. Gift certificate value

Gift vouchers are always issued for a specific type and duration of therapy, which is always stated on the voucher and thus completely cover the given service. If the client wishes to shorten the massage time to a smaller time range than the one for which the voucher was purchased, the time difference will not be reimbursed or compensated to the client. Additional services and services beyond the agreed framework will be paid for separately by the customer.

4.4. Gift Voucher Validity

The voucher is valid for 6 months and is always stated in the e-mail. It can be extended once free of charge upon agreement, for a maximum of 1 month from the last day of the voucher.

4.5. Practice by Gift voucher 

The value of the gift voucher is indicated on the front of the voucher.

The voucher is not exchangeable for money and cannot be exchanged. The value of the voucher can only be redeemed by a one-time purchase.

In the event of a complaint, you will be refunded the amount for the services for which the gift voucher was used through a replacement gift voucher.

The voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase until the date the service is used up.

After this date, the voucher becomes invalid.

The voucher can only be used to pay for the purchase of the ReActive Therapy service. The purchase of services is governed by the valid Business Conditions and the Operator’s Complaints Procedure.

4.6. Gift certificate payment due

The due date is 10 working days from the sending of payment instructions to the client’s e-mail, in the event that the payment is not credited to the operator’s account by then, the client is considered to have cancelled the order.

4.7. Forfeiture of gift certificate

A. If the client does not show up without a proper apology within the agreed term, the voucher will be forfeited in full without compensation.

B. In case of expiration of the gift voucher, the voucher is forfeited in full without compensation.

4.8. Withdrawal from the contract in case of purchase of a voucher electronically

The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of delivery of the unused voucher when ordering via the Internet. Withdrawal takes place in writing to the e-mail address of the operator linda@reactivetherapy.cz, stating its initials and voucher number. The amount will be returned to the customer’s bank account from which it was paid, no later than 10 working days.

5. Kineziotaping

Before taping, the client is obliged to get acquainted with the principles of the application of kineziotaping on the publicly available link “how to prepare for taping”, where he will get acquainted with important requirements so that taping takes place with the best possible effect. In case of non-compliance with any point from the above procedure, we do not bear any responsibility for the quality of the work performed – especially if the tape starts to peel off very quickly, or does not stick to the client at all after application. The customer is also notified of this fact orally before performing the act.

6. Payment for services

Payment at the establishment is possible in cash or by transfer to a bank account. The price list of services can be viewed at the place of service provision and on the operator’s web interface. Prices are valid for basic operating hours on working days from Monday to Friday. The price can be increased in case of an appointment outside of working days, ie on weekends and holidays. This is done by adding a contractual surcharge to the price by mutual agreement, which, however, does not exceed the usual price by more than 50% of the price set on a working day. All listed prices are final, the operator is not a VAT payer.

Prices are set by the currently valid price list.

Payment for the ordered services is made after completing the procedure, in the case of gift vouchers, the client hands over the voucher to the operator after completing the procedure. If they do not do so, the service is charged according to the price list by default.

7. Final provisions

7.1 Work safety and risk prevention in the workplace

By entering the establishment, the client expresses understanding with his obligation to observe the rules of occupational safety and risk prevention, the coordination of the operator and the obligation to observe the safety instructions of the therapist.

7.4. Validity and effectiveness

These general terms and conditions enter into force and effect on 01.04.2021

8. Documents to download

You can download the terms and conditions in PDF (Czech)